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Consult events

List events by ticket

This endpoint allows you to retrieve all events from a given ticket

Required scope

Value Description
open:ticket-events-seller:read Allows read access to event API resources.

Request parameters

Field Type Description Required
ticket_uuid String Key to identify the ticket. Yes


curl -X 'GET' \
  '{ticket_uuid}/events' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
Response parameters

Field Type Description
id String Key to identify the event.
code String Field for free use by the seller's system.
ticket_id Object Key to identify the tichet.
type String Ticket type. Can be the following values: product_sent, return_info_sent, authorize_refund, product_received, exchange_product_received, refunded, added_bank_account, sla_waiting_customer_expired, rejection_reason, valid_bank_account, waiting_seller_pickup, seller_already_pickedup, waiting_pickup_schedule, sensitive_data_identified, sensitive_data_saved, return_invoice, cancel_invoice, delivery, return_invoice, withdrawn_product, waiting_picked_up, validating_return_invoice, waiting_refund_release
created_at String Creation date.
updated_at String Update date.
created_by String User who created the record.
updated_by String User who updated it.


  "meta": {
    "page": {
      "limit": 1,
      "offset": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "max_limit": 10
    "links": {
      "previous": "?_offset=0&_limit=1",
      "self": "?_offset=1&_limit=1",
      "next": "?_offset=2&_limit=1"
    "results": [
            "id": "fb3d0cae-ef77-49ac-9516-21b764e7dc36",
            "code": "optional_user_defined_code",
            "ticket_id": "58991c5b-2f63-4afe-b168-99dd720287bc",
            "type": "product_sent",
            "created_at": "2024-03-07T14:51:59.432Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-07T14:51:59.432Z",
            "created_by": "b339ffda-11ec-4ef7-af9c-881554aa4dc7",
            "updated_by": "6e6c763c-f38f-475a-9f61-d0620f34de5e"

Return codes

Código Descrição
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Retrieve events by filters

This endpoint allows the seller to retrieve a collection of events, from a given ticket, using filters as a reference.

Required scope

Value Description
open:ticket-events-seller:read Allows read access to event API resources.

Request parameters

Field Type Description
ticket_uuid String Key to identify the ticket.
_offset Number Reference record position. The next N records will be returned from it. Default value 0.
_limit Number Determines the number of records to be returned. Default value 10.
type String Ticket type. Can be the following values: product_sent, return_info_sent, authorize_refund, product_received, exchange_product_received, refunded, added_bank_account, sla_waiting_customer_expired, rejection_reason, valid_bank_account, waiting_seller_pickup, seller_already_pickedup, waiting_pickup_schedule, sensitive_data_identified, sensitive_data_saved, return_invoice, cancel_invoice, delivery, return_invoice, withdrawn_product, waiting_picked_up, validating_return_invoice, waiting_refund_release
created_at_gte String (datetime - ISO 8601) Filters all return codes with a greater than or equal creation date.
created_at_lte String (datetime - ISO 8601) Filters all return codes with a less than or equal creation date.


curl -X 'GET' \
  '{ticket_uuid}/events?_limit=1' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


  "meta": {
    "page": {
      "limit": 1,
      "offset": 1,
      "count": 1,
      "max_limit": 10
    "links": {
      "previous": "?_offset=0&_limit=1",
      "self": "?_offset=1&_limit=1",
      "next": "?_offset=2&_limit=1"
    "results": [
            "id": "fb3d0cae-ef77-49ac-9516-21b764e7dc36",
            "code": "optional_user_defined_code",
            "ticket_id": "58991c5b-2f63-4afe-b168-99dd720287bc",
            "type": "product_sent",
            "created_at": "2024-03-07T14:51:59.432Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-03-07T14:51:59.432Z",
            "created_by": "b339ffda-11ec-4ef7-af9c-881554aa4dc7",
            "updated_by": "6e6c763c-f38f-475a-9f61-d0620f34de5e"

Return codes

Código Descrição
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error