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Consult questions/answers

Retrieve question by ID

This endpoint allows the seller to retrieve a question/answer using the id as a reference.

Required scope

Value Description
services:questions-seller:read Allows the use of write/update APIs.

Request parameters

Field Type Description Required
id string Key to identify the Question Yes


curl -X 'GET' \
  '{id}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


  "id": "630e3bbc950b052e8724491a",
  "status": "NEW",
  "subject": {
    "id": "id-001",
    "type": "offer",
    "extra": {
      "name": "Camiseta",
      "description": "Camiseta gola v na cor verde",
      "url_img": "",
      "url": ""
    "custom_fields": [
        "name": "Cor",
        "value": "Verde"
    "identifiers": [
        "name": "openapi",
        "value": "a11d50a5-31c1-4e9d-bbe3-27a59f944508",
        "reference": "  "
  "question": {
    "message": "Quais as outras cores?",
    "when_at": "2023-06-27T18:56:28.445Z",
    "owner": {
      "name": "Fluano da Silva (cliente)",
      "external_id": "cli-001"
    "product": {
      "sku": "sku-123",
      "description": "description - 01"
  "answer": {
    "message": "Temos em três  cores azul, amarelo e vermelho.",
    "external_id": "resposta-01",
    "owner": {
      "name": "Joseph Climber",
      "external_id": "j.climber"
    "moderation": {
      "status": "NOT_MODERATED",
      "when_at": "2023-06-27T18:56:28.445Z",
      "block_rules": []

Return code

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Retrieve questions by filters

This endpoint allows the seller to retrieve a collection of questions/answers using filters as a reference.

Required scope

Value Description
services:questions-seller:read Allows the use of write/update APIs.

Query parameters

Field Type Description Required
_limit number Determines the number of records to be returned. Default value 10. No
_offset number Reference record position, from there the next N records will be returned. Default value 0. No
status String Message status, can be the following values: WAITING_RESPONSE, REJECTED_RESPONSE, APPROVED. No
answer.external_id String External system identifier that correlates with the response No
answer.owner.external_id String Response author's external system identifier No


curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


  "meta": {
    "page": {
      "limit": 20,
      "offset": 150,
      "max_limit": 100
    "links": {
      "previous": "?_offset=130&_limit=20",
      "next": "?_offset=170&_limit=20",
      "self": "?_offset=150&_limit=20"
  "results": [
      "id": "630e3bbc950b052e8724491a",
      "status": "NEW",
      "subject": {
        "id": "id-001",
        "type": "offer",
        "extra": {
          "name": "Camiseta",
          "description": "Camiseta gola v na cor verde",
          "url_img": "",
          "url": ""
        "custom_fields": [
            "name": "Cor",
            "value": "Verde"
        "identifiers": [
            "name": "openapi",
            "value": "a11d50a5-31c1-4e9d-bbe3-27a59f944508",
            "reference": ""
      "question": {
        "message": "Quais as outras cores?",
        "when_at": "2023-06-27T18:56:28.445Z",
        "owner": {
          "name": "Fluano da Silva (cliente)",
          "external_id": "cli-001"
        "product": {
          "sku": "sku-123",
          "description": "description - 01"
      "answer": {
        "message": "Temos em três  cores azul, amarelo e vermelho.",
        "external_id": "resposta-01",
        "owner": {
          "name": "Joseph Climber",
          "external_id": "j.climber"
        "moderation": {
          "status": "NOT_MODERATED",
          "when_at": "2023-06-27T18:56:28.445Z",
          "block_rules": []

Return code

Status code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error