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Consult Orders

Retrieve Orders by ID

This endpoint allows the seller to retrieve an order using the id as a reference.

Required Scope

Value Description
open:order-order-seller:read Allows reading orders and related data.

URL Parameters

Field Type Description Required
id string(UUID) ID of the order on the platform. Sim


Field Type Description Required
X-Channel-Id String ID of the sales channel you want to operate (e.g. "9fe0d853-732b-4e4a-a0b0-cff988ed043d") Yes


Field Type Description Required
updated_at__ge String (datetime ISO 8601) Filters orders modified from the specified date informed (e.g., "2023-06-27T12:15:37.729Z") No


curl -X 'GET' \
  '{id}' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
-H 'X-Channel-Id: <Channel Id>'


      "name":"Fulano de Tal",
         "description":"Pix|Boleto Bancário|Cartão de Crédito",
         "type":"value", //(value, percentage, etc.)
   "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
            "name":"Loja do Edu"
         "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
                        "description":"Liquidação Fantástica",
               "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
                  "name":"Livro XYZ",
                  "street":"1 DE MAIO",
                  "district":"VILA INDUSTRIAL",
                  "complement":"apto 1023",
                  "name":"loja magalu 001 franca",
                  "name":"loja magalu 001 franca",
                  "street":"1 DE MAIO",
                  "district":"VILA INDUSTRIAL",
                  "complement":"apto 1023",
               "description":"Entrega pelo parceiro"

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Retrieve Orders by Filters

This endpoint allows retrieving a collection of orders using filters as a reference.

Required Scope

Value Description
open:order-order-seller:read Allows reading orders and related data.


Field Type Description Required
X-Channel-Id String ID of the sales channel you want to operate (e.g. "9fe0d853-732b-4e4a-a0b0-cff988ed043d") Yes


Field Type Description Required
status String Order status, can be the following values: No
- new: new
- approved: payment approved
- cancelled: total cancellation, all deliveries canceled
- finished: order completed, may have partially canceled deliveries.
code String Order code No
purchased_at__gte String (datetime ISO 8601) Filters orders starting from the specified date (e.g., "2023-06-27T12:15:37.729Z") No
purchased_at__lte String (datetime ISO 8601) Filters orders up to the specified date (e.g., "2023-06-27T12:15:37.729Z") No

Pagination and Sorting

Field Type Description Required
_limit Integer Determines the number of records to be returned. Default value is 50. No
_offset Integer Record position reference, from which the next N records will be returned. Default value is 0. No
_sort String Sorting, allowing the following values: No
- purchased_at:asc
- purchased_at:desc
* When not set, the purchased_at:asc will be used


curl -X 'GET' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
-H 'X-Channel-Id: <Channel Id>'


            "name":"Fulano de Tal",
               "description":"Pix|Boleto Bancário|Cartão de Crédito",
         "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
                  "name":"Loja do Edu"
               "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
                              "description":"Liquidação Fantástica",
                     "foreign_amounts":{ // This object with its values ​​will only exist if the request is international
                        "name":"Livro XYZ",
                        "street":"1 DE MAIO",
                        "district":"VILA INDUSTRIAL",
                        "complement":"apto 1023",
                        "name":"loja magalu 001 franca",
                        "name":"loja magalu 001 franca",
                        "street":"1 DE MAIO",
                        "district":"VILA INDUSTRIAL",
                        "complement":"apto 1023",
                     "description":"Entrega pelo parceiro",

Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
500 Internal Server Error